Welcome to the Learning Zone
Espresso Education is a digital curriculum provider. It has been recognised as transforming the world of learning through its blend of visual media and interactive resources and setting the standard in the world of e-learning.
Access the Espresso website
We currently use My Maths in school and this is now accessible from home. My Maths is an online resource with fun activities that will reinforce the learning in School.
To access My Maths from home select the link below or Google search My Maths and enter your childs login credentials which should have been provided by our school
Access MyMaths
Times Tables Rockstars
We currently use TT Rockstar’s in school and this is now accessible from home. TT Rockstar’s is an online resource with maths activities that will reinforce your child’s learning from School.
To access TT Rockstar’s from home select the link below or Google search TT Rockstar’s and enter your child’s login credentials which should have been provided by our school.
To access Times Tables Rockstar’s from home, log in to https://play.ttrockstars.com/ and enter your child’s Pupil ID and password.
Oxford Owl
What is Oxford Owl?
Oxford Owl for School
Oxford Owl for School is our website for schools. It is home to fantastic online teaching, learning materials, assessment resources and expert support. Oxford Owl for School also houses a wide range of subscriptions for primary schools including:
- Big Writing Adventures
- Floppy’s Phonics Online
- Inspire Maths Online
- Nelson Handwriting
- Numicon Online
- Numicon Professional Development
- Oxford International Curriculum
- Oxford Owl eBook Library for Letters and Sounds
- Project X Code
- Read Write Inc. Phonics
- Read Write Inc. Spelling
- School Improvement Pathways