Welcome to Alfa Romeo Class Homepage
Posted by ratheadmin.
Please click on the buttons below to see what the children have been up to so far this year. These blogs are updated fortnightly so keep checking back to see their progress.
Alfa Romeo Class is home to the FS1 and FS2 children. Take a look at the photographs of our learning environment.
Our classroom
The children in Alfa Romeo have access to both an indoor and outdoor learning environment, and I hope you enjoy the photos of both as our classroom develops.
Meet the Staff in Alfa Romeo Class
Miss Howard
Hello, I am Miss Howard the class teacher in Alfa Romeo. I have just arrived at BFS Naples but have been teaching for nearly 15 years. I have been a teacher in lots of interesting places including Gabon, The Falklands islands, Brighton and now Italy. I love exploring, seeing nature and going for walks to see what new things I can discover. I love animals, sparkly things and I love to have tea and cake with my friends.
Mrs Brown
Hi, my name is Mrs Brown and I am the Learning Support Assistant in Alfa Romeo. I have been in Naples for two years and have been the LSA in Alfa Romeo for 18 months. I love playing games, singing and
dancing. I also enjoy exploring in my spare time and seeing new places with my family.
Alfa Romeo Class Information
We have PE lessons each week on a Wednesday and Friday morning.
Please could all children have their PE kits in school on that day. When it is damp, the children need a separate pair of training shoes to use during PE lessons so they are not wearing their duty shoes in the classroom. If it is cold, children might like to wear a track suit. As the weather warms up children will need shorts and a t-shirt. Thank you.
Daily equipment
Please could the children come to school each day with a named water bottle, named coat and a healthy packed lunch (FS2 only). No food containing nuts are allowed. A free healthy snack is offered daily to all children in FS1 and FS2 along with a glass of milk. Please let us know asap.
Children have access to our outdoor learning provision most days and should therefore come to school with a waterproof coat. Wellington boots can be brought into school when needed and can be left in school if not needed at home.
In the warmer months, please could the children apply sun cream and mosquito repellent before coming to school each morning and provide your child with a sunhat or cap.
A spare change of clothes is also required in case of any accidents or mishaps. All clothes should be labelled with the child’s name.
Home learning
All children in Alfa Romeo get to bring home a school library book, this is to be shared and enjoyed at home to help develop a love of reading and allow the children to explore and be exposed to a wide range books.
In addition FS2 children will bring home an additional book that is matched to their phonic knowledge which is to be read at home and recorded in their reading record. They will also have a phonic game that will be sent home on a Thursday and can be recorded in their homework book.
Please keep an eye on the eSchools append half termly topic webs for additional suggestions and resources that you may find useful in supporting your child with their learning.
Term Topics and Useful Information
Please click on the buttons below to see what topics the children are learning about throughout the different school terms and to access useful links and documents.