Friends of BFS

The Friends of British Forces School (FoBFS) is a welcoming and active committee which mirrors a U.K. school’s P.T.A. (parent/teacher association).

FoBFS is run solely by parents, friends and staff who volunteer to help raise money so that the school can provide “additional” materials, resources and facilities for the benefit of the children at BFS. We do this by running a variety of fund raising projects and events throughout the school year. Just as importantly, these activities help to bring together parents, friends and staff at the school promoting great communication, whilst working towards a common goal.

If you have a child at BFS Naples, or you are a member of staff then you are already a member of the FoBFS, perhaps you would like to join us at our next committee meeting to see what we are all about.

Not all our volunteers attend committee meetings but their help is still very much needed and appreciated. If you have an idea for a future event, a special talent, that you would be happy to share or are able to help in any other way then please do speak to one of the committee members or contact the school office.

What does the FoBFS do?

  • Raises funds to help the school provide “extras” for the pupils.
  • Runs events for the children, parents and friends of the school.
  • Builds networks between parents/carers, friends and school staff to help communicate ideas, issues and information.
  • Organize meetings to inform parents/carers about school related issues and FoBFS matters.
  • Our Annual General Meeting is held in September to which all parents are invited. During this meeting our committee positions for the following academic year are voted in.

Below is a the link to our FoBFS Facebook page, if you are stationed in Naples and would like to become a member and see future events that we will be arranged please send a request join our page ?