Vision & Learning Behaviours

At BFS our School Motto and principle aim is: 


In addition the school aims in no particular order to promote:

  • The development of a child’s lively enquiring mind, imaginatively, creatively and honestly.
  • To develop the ability to question and discuss matters rationally.
  • The acquisition and development of attitudes and skills which encourage learning that is meaningful, enjoyable and relevant, using a broad range of appropriate work and structured play, throughout both key stages, enabling each child to develop to their full potential.
  • A planned progression of work throughout the school, building on each child’s individual experience and skill level.
  • A sense of responsibility, confidence and independence towards work and behaviour, fostering a child’s feelings of pride and achievement.
  • Constructive relationships between home, school and the community based on trust, communication, shared values and understanding.
  • Equal opportunities and the positive elimination of gender stereotyping, with understanding and respect of self and others and for different races, religions and cultures, especially the host nation.
  • The development of the appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding to have the confidence, creativity and capability to use ICT throughout their lives. We will enable our children/staff to learn about ICT, develop an increasing range of ICT skills and learn how to use them in a range of subjects. We will enable them to become thoughtful and independent users of ICT.
  • Experiences which enable pupils to understand that every individual has an important contribution to make to the well being of the local and wider community.
  • Good working relationships between all members of staff where each individual feels valued.


Across the school, we have six different learning behaviours that we focus on so that we can become the best learners that we can be (one learning behaviour for each half term). Each of our learning behaviours is represented by an animal to help us to remember them all. Together, we have created a list of what each learning behaviour looks like and we regularly talk about this in class and in our assemblies.